Stone Management
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Stone Removal in Hyderabad

Stones, also called calculi, are hard deposits in the urinary tract- the kidney, bladder, or ureters. Depending upon where urinary tract stones develop, they are named kidney, ureteral, or bladder stones. Urinary tract stones mainly develop in kidneys and may pass on to ureters and bladder, obstructing urine flow. Small stones usually do not need any medical intervention as they can pass on their own by just diet modifications and increasing fluid intake or sometimes intake of medications. Tiny stones do not cause any symptoms. However, when stones are large (0.5 cm or above), they may bleed, cause excruciating pain or infection, and block the normal urine flow. 

Urinary tract stones are common in adults. If you are looking for the best hospital for stone management, Arete Hospitals in Hyderabad is worth a visit. 

Arete Hospitals, Urology Department in Hyderabad is a specialised centre offering tailored, affordable care to patients with kidney, ureteral, or bladder stones. The department is staffed with top-rated, highly-experienced urologists and nephrologists who are experts in diagnosing and managing stones in the kidney, ureter, and bladder. They work in collaboration with medical and dietary management services and diagnostic services, all-inclusive under one roof. Using cutting-edge technologies and preventive techniques, they provide compassionate care for patients who have or are recovering from kidney/ureter/bladder stones. They even advise their patients on stone-preventive strategies. 

When to see a Urologist for Stone Management?

It is recommended to soon see a urologist for kidney, ureter, and bladder stones that cannot pass on their own through urine if experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Intense pain or burning sensation when urinating (dysuria)
  • Severe pain that comes and goes in waves in the lower abdomen; groin area; penis or testicles in men; labia of the vagina in women
  • Problems in urinating
  • Blood in the urine (hematuria)
  • Changes in the colour of pee- cloudy or dark (pink, red, or brown) coloured urine
  • Persistent urge to urinate 
  • Difficulty in starting pee, maintaining a urine stream, and stopping peeing
  • Urinary intermittency- starting and stopping of pee stream intermittently 
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Fever and chills
  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Foul-smelling urine.

If one is experiencing these issues, they can visit Arete Hospitals, one of the best stone treatment hospitals in Hyderabad. The hospital has the best state-of-the-art technology that offers efficient removal of stones from the body.

How do Urologists Diagnose Kidney, Ureter, And Bladder Stones?

The urologists diagnose kidney, ureter, and bladder stones by reviewing the patient's medical history, looking at the symptoms, conducting a physical/urological examination, and asking the patient to run some tests to confirm stones.

The tests that urologists order to diagnose bladder, ureter, and kidney stones include:

  • Imaging tests- The urologist may recommend a CT scan, X-ray, and/or abdominal ultrasound to visualise the inside of the bladder and kidney. Such tests can help detect the stones and even provide information about their size and location. 
  • Urinalysis- The patient is asked to collect urine in a special tube or pee cup for urine tests. The urologist then sends the collected urine sample for laboratory study to check for signs of urinary tract infections and kidney or bladder stones. Lab analysis includes analysis of passed small kidney or bladder stones to prevent further stones. 
  • Cystoscopy- This test is ordered to look for bladder stones. The urologist passes a cystoscope through the urethra to the bladder to look for stones. Cystoscope is a flexible, long, pencil-sized tube with a camera and light at one end. It helps in locating the stones. 
  • Blood tests- The patient's blood is checked for high levels of certain minerals in the blood that could lead to stone formation.

Treatment Options Offered for Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder Stones

1. For Kidney Stones

Conservative management: The options to remove small kidney stones include:

Increasing the body's hydration level- The patients are asked to drink adequate water daily. 
Pain management- The patients are prescribed pain-relieving medications, usually aceta-mino-phen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as i-buprof-en. 
Medical exclusive therapy- It is the most effective treatment option for the treatment of small distal ureteral stones or kidney stones. It involves the use of corti-costeroids, alpha-blockers, calcium channel blockers, and phospho-diesterase-5 inhibitors. 

Minimally invasive surgeries: The options to remove kidney stones larger than 0.5 cm includes:

  • Shockwave lithotripsy- It is the least invasive outpatient procedure wherein X-ray or ultrasound imaging is used to identify the kidney stone. After detecting kidney stones' size and location, the urologist makes use of shockwaves. The shockwaves are applied from outside of the body at the site of the kidney stone to break the large kidney stone into small fragments that are passed into the urine. This treatment option is recommended for patients having kidney stones of up to 2cm in size in the upper part of the kidney. 
  • Ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy-  In this treatment, the urologist inserts a small bladder fiberoptic ureteroscope through the urinary bladder into the ureter, allowing the surgeon to visualise the kidney stone. After locating the stone, the urologist uses a medical-grade laser to heat and destroy the stone into smaller pieces that could be passed through urine on their own. 

    This is recommended to stone patients having stones of size up to 2 cm anywhere in the kidney or ureter. It is especially beneficial for ureteral stones, those detected in the lower part of the kidney, and those that fail to be removed by shock wave lithotripsy. 
  • Percutaneous nephrolithotomy- This surgery involves making a half-inch cut through the skin in the back to make a passageway to reach the kidney. The surgeon uses a specialised instrument called a nephroscope to extract stones through the incision. It is the best treatment for larger kidney stones that are more than 2 cm in size or when the kidney stones are located in hard-to-reach areas. It is beneficial for kidney stones that obstruct more than one branch of the kidney's collecting system as well as very large ureteral stones. It is recommended for patients who cannot manage their stones with other therapies. For this treatment, the patient would typically need a one-night stay in the hospital and then a brief recovery period.  

2. For Ureteral Stones

If there is a large ureteral stone or urinary tract blockage, a urologist may recommend minimally invasive surgeries for kidney stones. Besides them, the urologist may even recommend Ureteral stents. These are thin, flexible, and temporary tubes which are placed in the ureter to keep it open and allow the urine to flow around the kidney stone, blocking the urine flow. 

3. For Bladder Stones

Typically, the urologist will recommend the patient for any one of the following treatments:

  • Cystolitholipaxy- The urologist inserts a cystoscope into the bladder through the patient's urethra to locate the bladder stone. Thereafter, the urologist uses a laser or ultrasound (high-frequency sound waves) to break the bladder stones into smaller fragments that can be washed out of the bladder with fluids. 
  • Surgery- In case of a very large bladder stone, open surgery would be needed for its removal. The urologist uses a sharp knife to make an incision in the abdomen and then extract the stone. If the bladder stone has developed because of a benign prostate hyperplasia condition that blocks the urethra, then the urologist performs Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) or transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) to cut out the enlarged section of the prostate. 

Who is Most Affected by Kidney and Bladder stones?

Bladder stones and kidney stones can affect anyone. However, some people are at higher risk of developing them. This includes:

  • People who are more likely to develop bladder stones include men and people assigned male at birth who have benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate).
  • Those who have kidney stones that can't come out of their bladder 
  • People who get spinal cord injuries or damage of nerves that affect the bladder. Those who had undergone specific bladder surgery such as augmentation cystoplasty
  • People who are more likely to develop kidney stones are those who are overweight/obese, have a family or personal history of kidney stones, have undergone intestinal surgery, and also suffer from polycystic kidney disease
  • People who suffer from health issues that cause more minerals and salts like oxalate, calcium, or uric acid to pass in the urine
  • Have illnesses that cause inflammation or damage to the digestive system or joints
  • Consume a diet loaded with animal protein, sodium, or sugar and less water
  • Take certain medications such as calcium-based antacids and diuretics or supplements.

Cost of Stone Removal in Hyderabad

Arete Hospitals offers the best cost of stone removal in Hyderabad. Also, the cost varies based on several factors, including the type and size of the stone, the chosen treatment, the complexity of the procedure, and additional medical services required. 

To receive an accurate estimate, it's recommended to consult with a kidney stone doctor in Hyderabad at Arete Hospitals. They can provide you with a detailed breakdown of costs and help you understand the overall expenses associated with stone removal procedures in Hyderabad, along with insurance options.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why choose Arete Hospitals for stone management and treatment?

Arete Hospitals is the premier choice for stone treatment in Hyderabad offering unparalleled care excellenceThe team of urologists, revered for their expertise, leads the forefront of stone care. Accompanied by a dedicated staff, our patient-centric approach ensures optimal comfort and care.

Pioneering advanced technology, Arete Hospitals, a stone removal treatment hospital in Hyderabad, offers state-of-the-art treatments that deliver precise and effective results. With 24*7 Medical assistance, patients find comfort in our unwavering support. Our in-house diagnostic centre streamlines the process, expediting accurate assessments. Our comprehensive settings prioritise patient well-being from consultation to recovery, ultimately leading to the best possible outcomes. Entrust your stone management journey to Arete Hospitals, Stone Urology & Laparoscopy Hospital in Hyderabad, where excellence is our promise and your health is our priority.

2. How can I lower my chances of having kidney, ureter, or bladder stones?

Kidney or bladder stones formation is preventable by drinking adequate water, having a healthy kidney or bladder stone diet, and taking proper medications/supplements that do not lead to stone formation as their side effects. 

3. What diet should a kidney or bladder stone patient have?

Patients suffering from kidney or bladder stones should consume a healthy kidney or bladder stone diet. Such a diet includes drinking plenty of plain water daily instead of soft drinks, hard drinks, caffeinated drinks, soda, and others, increasing body fluids. In drinking citrus fruit juices, stones are formed because of low citrate levels in the body. A calcium-rich diet allows oxalates in the body to bind with calcium and prevent calcium oxalate from reaching kidneys to form stones. 

Avoiding food sources of oxalates and phosphates. Limiting intake of animal proteins such as red meat, eggs, poultry, and seafood. Cutting on the consumption of sodium and sugar-loaded foods and drinks. 

Arete Hospitals is a well-known stone treatment centre in Hyderabad. The team of experts strives to provide the best treatments for stones in the kidney and urinary parts of the human body.

Arete Hospitals doctor's expertise in providing treatment for all types of urology stone problems flawlessly without any pain. The experts ensure that patients leave with a smile after having their stones removed by us.

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