Urethral Surgery / Urethroplasty in Hyderabad
Urethral Surgery / Urethroplasty in Hyderabad
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Urethral Surgery / Urethroplasty in Hyderabad

Urethra is the narrow tube whose role is to pass urine from the urinary bladder out of the body. In people assigned male at birth, the urethra is longer in size because it lets the urine flow from the bladder out of the penis through the prostate. However, in people assigned female at birth, the urethra is much shorter as it runs from the bladder and opens up to the vagina. The further narrowing of any region of the urethra by scar tissue or any extra tissue is named as urethral stricture. Such a problem is addressed by urethral surgery by either enlarging or removing the narrowed section of the urethra. The surgery may even involve the reconstruction of tissues around the urethra’s narrowed region.

Arete Hospitals has the best urologists in Hyderabad working in top-notch urology departments. One of the expertise of these urologists is urethral surgery-the gold standard treatment for urethral strictures. The majority of patients who visit Arete Hospitals urology department in Hyderabad are very satisfied with their treatment results and comprehensive care.

Benefits of Urethral Surgery

According to medical researchers in Urology, Urethral Surgery is said to be the best solution to correct and relieve urethral strictures and ease urine flow. It offers the following benefits:

  • Lower risk of irritation or infection of testicles
  • Lower rate of recurrence of urethral strictures
  • Improved life quality.

Patients who have undergone urethroplasty from the Urethroplasties Doctors in Hyderabad at Arete Hospitals, report:

  • A significant reduction in urine discomfort and pain coming from the penis, urethra, or bladder
  • A considerable relief from other urinary symptoms
  • Urination without exerting extra efforts
  • No more trouble in starting peeing
  • The more pleased feeling after voiding as no urine is left out in the bladder
  • Not much recurrence of lower urinary tract infections
  • Only fewer restrictions on their activities
  • Improved outcomes.

What is Urethral Surgery?

Urethral surgery, also called Urethroplasty, is an operation designed to reconstruct the urethra and treat urethral problems.

Before Urethral Surgery

The patient is asked to get some tests done and avoid eating anything for 8-10 hours before the operation. The urologist orders for an X-ray imaging, a retrograde urethrogram, or cystoscopy to confirm the location and length of the blockage in the urethra.

Before urethral surgery or Urethroplasty treatment in Hyderabad, the patient may even be suggested to have a suprapubic catheter placed to allow emptying of the bladder and give the urethra time to rest so that scar tissue can be fixed. This is usually recommended for patients who need self-catheterization to keep the urethra wide open. The patients are advised to stick to medications or supplements allowed by the surgeon. They must arrange for someone to drive them home after surgery.

What does Urethral Surgery involve?

Urethral surgery is performed by Top Urethroplasty Surgeons in Hyderabad at Arete Hospitals, on patients who have received general anesthesia.

It is performed by either of the two techniques:

Anastomotic Technique

The procedure starts with making a surgical incision in the scrotum and penis, precisely over the urethral stricture of the patient. The incision is made into the muscle tissues to reach the urethra. Typically, it is made either on the underside of the penis, in the patient’s scrotum, or perineum. The location of the urethral structure is identified and then resected. Lastly, the proximal and distal ends of the urethra are joined back together. This surgical technique is useful for the removal of urethral strictures less than 2cm.

Tissue Transfer

For longer narrowing or blockage in the penile urethra, the urologist harvests tissues from the mouth, genital, or rectal area to supplement the removed tissues of the urethra. The urologist may use a full-thickness or split-thickness skin graft for the reconstruction of the narrowed urethra section.

The muscle and skin incisions are then closed with dissolvable sutures. Usually, at the site of the incision, small drainage tubes are placed for 1-2 days to drain extra fluids or blood pooling in the incision area.

Good Candidates for Urethral Surgery

  • Men who have urethral stricture- narrowing of some portion of the urethra that blocks urine flow due to repeated episodes of urethritis, scarring from previous surgery, benign prostatic hyperplasia, injury/trauma to the pelvic area, or pressure from tumours.
  • Anyone who has congenital defects of the urethra- hypospadias or epispadias, been repaired in childhood but experiences blockages in their urethra
  • Those who had undergone gender affirmation surgery.

After Discharge

  • Apply ice packs to get relief from scrotal and perineal swelling, especially for the first 2 days.
  • Wear scrotal support like tight underwear or a jock strap to minimize swelling.
  • Apply 2-3 gauze pads on the surgical site for the first 3 days to avoid staining surgical dressings with blood and help keep the clothes clean.
  • Take prescribed antibiotics to prevent infections and medications to avoid bladder spasms or medications to stop having erections.
  • Use special mouthwash to keep the mouth clean of mouth tissues harvested during urethral surgery.  
  • Take a shower only after 2-3 days of being operated on. Avoid scrubbing the incision site. It is not recommended to take a tub bath in the first week and go swimming for the initial 2 weeks or until the catheter is removed. Go for a sitz bath to reduce swelling and discomfort about a week after surgery.
  • Avoid prolonged sitting or driving until the catheter (penis drain) is not removed.
  • Avoid spreading your legs apart and squatting. Regular walking and climbing stairs are allowed.
  • Refrain from sexual intercourse for 6 weeks from the day of surgery.
  • Take leave from work or school/university for the period wherein the catheter is in place. The length of leave could be 2-3 weeks, depending upon the complexity of the surgery.

For details get in touch with experts at Arete Hospitals, ‌Best Nephrology Hospital in Hyderabad.

Cost of Urethral Surgery

The Urethroplasty Surgery Cost in Hyderabad can vary for patients and depends upon multiple factors:

  • The surgeon’s expertise and experience
  • The hospital length of stay
  • Anesthesia charges
  • The surgical technique chosen
  • Patient’s current condition
  • Pre and post-surgical care
  • Insurance coverage.

Effectiveness of Urethral Surgery

Urethral surgery is reported to have a fairly high success rate, over 80% in most cases. However, sometimes depending on the length and location of the operation, the success rate is reliably higher than 90%.

Risks Associated with Urethral Surgery

Every surgical procedure is associated with some risks and complications. The common to all is anesthesia-related problems, bleeding, swelling, and potential infections. Following a Urethral Surgery in Hyderabad, the patient can expect problems with the catheter-like blockage or leakage. In addition, there could be an infection of the surgical wound or in urine, typically during the placement of the catheter or just right after its placement. The main risk of urethroplasty is that it won’t work for long-term and additional procedures may be required to remove scar tissue in follow-up visits. Other potential risks, that rarely happen, are:

  • Nerve damage in the scrotum or perineum region which causes intense pain
  • Nerve injury to feet, legs, elbows, or fingers because of the positioning of the body during the surgery
  • Leakage of urine or semen and its retention in the surgical site
  • Erectile dysfunction (temporary, resolves within 18 months or less)
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Urinary urgency.
Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long is the recovery period of urethroplasty?

The time frame of recovery may vary from one patient to another. Most patients need a hospital stay of 1-2 days after their surgery. They recover fairly quickly but their scrotal and perineal swelling may take weeks to resolve. The pain improves in the first week itself.

2. Does urethroplasty leave a scar on the penis of the patient?

Most urethral surgeries take place through the perineum- the area between the anus and scrotum. However, sometimes, the surgery may involve making a cut in the penis. When this is performed with expert care, there is rarely any scar tissue formed on the external side of the penis.

3. Is the procedure painful?

Urethral surgery is performed under anesthesia, so the procedure is comforting for the patient. However, after surgery, most patients report pain that’s tolerable. They are prescribed pain-relieving medications to reduce their pain and discomfort following surgery.

To correct this issue get in touch with the Best Surgeon for Urethroplasty Surgery in Hyderabad at Arete Hospitals.

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