Kidney stone
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Kidney Stone Treatment

Kidney stones refer to a urological condition characterised by the formation of hard deposits of minerals and salts inside one or both kidneys. The condition is also known by other names- renal calculi, urolithiasis, or nephrolithiasis. It is the result of sticking waste materials (minerals and salts) to the inner lining of the kidneys.

Kidney stones can occur in varying sizes. The stones that are smaller than 5mm have maximum chances of getting flushed out with urine without the need for medical intervention. If the kidney stones are of size ranging from 5 to 10mm, the odds of need for treatment are 50%. The removal of large kidney stones of size 0.5cm or above is only possible with surgical intervention. Surgery is also recommended for patients who cannot manage their stones with conservative treatment options. Today, Kidney Stone Removal in Hyderabad is mostly performed using a highly effective, minimally invasive approach.

Arete Hospitals, Urology Department has utmost dedication to serving patients having kidney stones and so is famed to be the best among others in Hyderabad.

The hospital employs a team of highly qualified and experienced Nephrologists and Urologists in Hyderabad. They offer comprehensive, personalised care for kidney stones, including diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up, using advanced technologies and techniques. Kidney stone patients can access X-rays, CT scans, and other same-day diagnostic and therapeutic services, all under a single roof.

Benefits of Kidney Stone Removal Treatment

  • Pain relief from excruciating discomfort
  • providing immediate relief and improving overall comfort
  • Prevention of urinary tract infections
  • Safeguard kidney function and protect kidney from damage over time
  • Improved urinary flow and comfort
  • Lower risk of serious complications like kidney failure.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones usually do not exhibit symptoms in patients until it changes their location inside the kidney or passes in one of the ureters.

In case, a kidney stone gets lodged in the ureters, it may obstruct the urine flow and eventually make the kidney swell and ureter spasm, which can be so much more painful. When this happens, the patients may experience the below-mentioned symptoms and so are advised to seek treatment by urologists.

  • Intense, sharp pain in the back and sides of the upper body, below the ribs
  • Pain that radiates to the groyne and lower abdomen
  • Pain comes and goes in waves and fluctuates in its severity
  • Pain or burning sensation while peeing.

The common symptoms of kidney stones include:

  • Foul urine smell
  • Cloudy urine
  • Urge to urinate, either urinating more often or passing less amount of urine
  • Blood discharge in the urine makes urine pink, red, or brown coloured
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Lower abdominal pain or belly pain.

Types of Kidney Stones Removed at Arete Hospitals

  • Calcium stones- Most kidney stones are made of calcium oxalate. Oxalate is absorbed from certain foods or daily made by the liver. Several metabolic disorders, intestinal bypass surgery, and dietary factors (high doses of Vitamin D) can increase oxalate and calcium concentration in the urine. Some calcium stones occur in the form of calcium phosphate. These are mostly formed in people having renal tubular acidosis or those taking certain anti-seizure medications or medications to treat migraines.
  • Struvite stones- Such kinds of kidney stones are formed in response to a urinary tract infection. They can quickly grow and become quite large, sometimes showing symptoms.
  • Cystine stones- These are formed in people with a hereditary disorder called cystinuria that causes kidneys to produce too much cysteine- an amino acid.
  • Uric acid stones- These are formed in people who have lost too much fluid due to malabsorption or chronic diarrhoea, those who eat more proteins in their diet, and those with diabetes or metabolic syndrome. Genetic factors could also increase one’s chance of having uric acid stones in the kidneys.

For more details on diagnosis and treatment of kidney stones, get in touch with Kidney Stone Doctor in Hyderabad at Arete Hospitals.

Diagnosis of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are diagnosed by the urologists through following tests:

  • Imaging tests- This includes ultrasound, X-rays, and CT scans to visualise the inside of the internal organs and detect the location and exact size of stones in the kidney or ureter.  
  • Urinalysis- In this test, the patient’s urine is collected and tested for the presence of any infectious/harmful microbes. It can be used to detect kidney stones too.  
  • Kidney stone analysis- The patient is asked to pass the kidney stone with urine and collect it in a kidney stone strainer. The collected kidney stone is further sent for chemical testing in the laboratory to check for the type of kidney stone and identify its cause.
  • Blood chemistry screen/blood fasting test- This test ascertains the level of electrolytes, calcium, and other minerals/salts in the blood that could cause kidney stones.
  • Kidney ultrasound in Hyderabad- The urologist utilises an ultrasound machine that sends ultrasound waves to create images on the screen, revealing stones, cysts, or other kidney irregularities.

Treatment Options for Kidney Stones Removal in Hyderabad

Conservative Management

When kidney stones have moved into the ureters and are causing obstruction, there is a need to remove them before they cause complications. For kidney stones that are less than 0.5cm in size, urologists often recommend conservative management to allow kidney stones to be passed out from the body on their own while urinating.

Conservative management options include:

Increasing the body’s hydration level- The patients are asked to drink adequate water daily.
Pain management- The patients are prescribed pain-relieving medications usually ac-etamin-ophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibu-profen.
Medical expulsive therapy- This involves the use of an alpha-blocker.

Minimally Invasive Surgical Treatments

For kidney stones that are located in such a site where conservative management fails or kidney stones that are more than 0.5cm in size, surgery is the only way to remove them. The minimally-invasive surgical treatment options to get rid of kidney stones that urologists nowadays recommend are:

Shockwave Lithotripsy in Hyderabad

It is the least invasive outpatient procedure wherein X-ray or ultrasound imaging is used to identify the kidney stone. After detecting kidney stones’ size and location, the urologist makes use of shockwaves. The shockwaves are applied from outside of the body at the site of the kidney stone to break the large kidney stone into small fragments that are passed into the urine. This treatment option is recommended for patients having kidney stones of up to 2cm in size in the upper part of the kidney.

Ureteroscopy with Laser Lithotripsy

In this treatment, the Urologist in Hyderabad inserts a small bladder fiberoptic ureteroscope through the urinary bladder into the ureter, allowing the surgeon to visualise the kidney stone. After locating the stone, the urologist uses a medical-grade laser to heat and destroy the stone into smaller pieces that could on their own be passed through urine.

This is recommended to stone patients having stones of size up to 2 cm anywhere in the kidney or ureter. It is especially beneficial for ureteral stones, those detected in the lower part of the kidney, and those stones that fail to be removed by shock wave lithotripsy.

Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy

PCNL Surgery in Hyderabad at Arete Hospitals, involves making a half-inch cut through the skin in the back to make a passageway to reach the kidney. Through the incision, the surgeon uses a specialised instrument called a nephroscope to extract stones.

It is the best treatment for larger kidney stones that are more than 2 cm in size or when the kidney stones are located in hard-to-reach areas. It is beneficial for kidney stones that obstruct more than one branch of the kidney’s collecting system as well as very large ureteral stones. It is recommended for patients who cannot manage their stones with other therapies. For this treatment, the patient would typically need a one-night stay in the hospital and then a brief recovery period.

Kidney Stone Removal Cost in Hyderabad

Cost of Kidney Stone Removal in Hyderabad can vary based on several factors. These include the type and complexity of the procedure (such as lithotripsy or surgery), the patient's health insurance coverage, surgeon’s expertise, and any additional tests or consultations required.

It is advisable to consult with Kidney Doctor in Hyderabad at Arete Hospitals to get a best estimate for kidney stone removal.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What causes kidney stones?

Kidney stones do not have a definite cause. They are formed when a lot of crystals such as oxalate, calcium, and uric acid are formed in the urine. That’s possible because of: heredity or personal/family history of having kidney stones, dehydration, prolonged medical condition, digestive and stomach issues, and diets loaded with protein, sugar, or sodium cause more calcium build-up in the body.

2. How can I prevent kidney stones?

To avoid kidney stone formation, you should always keep your body well-hydrated, have limited sodium intake, take a diet rich in Vitamin C and calcium, and reduce the consumption of animal protein from your diet.

3. What are the symptoms of kidney stones?

Common symptoms of kidney stones are severe pain in the back or side, fever, blood in the urine, frequent urination, and pain while urinating.

4. Are kidney stones a recurrent problem?

Yes, kidney stones can recur in some individuals, in the case when their underlying risk factors aren't addressed. A doctor at Arete Hospitals, Best Kidney Stone Removal Hospital in Hyderabad can help identify these factors and recommend preventive measures.

5. Can diet affect kidney stone formation?

Yes, diet plays a significant role in kidney stone formation. High intake of certain foods, like spinach, chocolate, and nuts (rich in oxalates), can increase the risk of stone formation. Reducing the consumption of such foods and maintaining a healthy and balanced diet can help prevent stones.

Choose Arete Hospitals for Kidney Stone Removal in Hyderabad because of their experienced urologists, advanced technology, and excellent patient care. They prioritise minimally invasive procedures, ensuring quicker recovery and minimal discomfort for a seamless kidney stone removal experience.

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